About the Womb Room 

The Womb Room was born from the dream-weavings of my ancestry, personal health journey, experience in women’s health, and devotion to cultivating how our communities will survive and thrive through the next era of life on earth.

After being casually told by doctors at the age of 20 that I was a "mystery" and may be infertile, I left the medical system to forge my own path. 

Along the way and inspired by my Ethiopian midwife grandmothers, I became a traditional birth attendant, medicine woman, herbalist, teacher, and facilitator of inner transformation.

And while I healed, I also dreamed: of a place where "health care" could be returned to the ceremonial hands of women, where magic was part of medicine, and walking a sovereign path no longer meant walking alone.

I could feel in my bones that we were (and are) collectively on the edge of a great transformation – and that this time of upheaval is also one of opportunity: to remember ancient ways and innovate new paradigms of health tending and care, build communities rooted in both sovereignty and interdependence, and live in right relationship with land, Spirit and each other.

During my graduate studies in 2016, I met Maura Sternberg and her sister, Ellianna Sternberg: two witch sisters also walking the path of earth-reverence, herbalism, tending the womb continuum, and dreaming up visions of surviving and thriving through apocalypse. When The Womb Room emerged in 2021, I asked Maura to join me in teaching, and we later brought Ellianna on as a practitioner, too. 

Together, we’ve served hundreds of women and collaborated on countless women’s journeys, often acting as a “last resort” for women who found themselves with complex symptoms looking for a path that integrated the depth of their life experience, honored the Great Mystery, and held ultimate trust in the possibility of healing.

Now, The Womb Room is a global web of hundreds of courageous, pattern-seeking, cycle-breaking women.
It is my prayer that this space awakens the knowing of your innate healing brilliance, ignites your inner medicine woman, and be a well of nourishment on your unfolding journey.

Start your journey

School of Original Medicines


Humanity is undergoing rapid transformation. We believe the thriving way forward is rooted in embodied sovereignty and sustainable interdependence — with women initiated into their innate roles as skilled, intuitive medicine keepers. Our school is a multi-year learning journey to spiritually initiated womanhood, transformational health, and reverent practitioner leadership skills that will steward our thriving futures.

Learn more here

Medicine Web


We need a new and ancient model of health care: one that honors Science and Spirit, knows the relational nature of healing, and holds reverence for the innate brilliance of your earth body. In the medicine web, you have access to own personal health care coven, at your fingertips. Learn how to be free of health (and all) dogma, find God in your symptoms, and access a team of truly holistic practitioners where all of you can be Witnessed and transformed.

Join us

On Demand Courses


Knowing how to tend your vital health is your birthright. Drop into our instant-access courses and be guided through an alchemical process of body literacy, somatic  processing, and consciousness transformation. Course topics include: cervical health, relational liberation, plants for pregnancy prevention, learning the language of your symptoms (Germanic healing), herbalism, embodied sovereignty, and more.

Coming Soon

Take a look inside

Join the Medicine Web for $22/mo today


The foundational paradigm that we orient to when understanding the body and nature is understanding that all patterns, symptoms, behaviors are a result of a specific and wise biological adaptation.
This foundation is based in Germanic Healing and the biological laws of nature, which has taken ancient and global understandings of the psyche-brain-organ connection and systematized it through the modern sciences of embryology, neuroscience, and  evolutionary biology.
From this paradigm, we understand that every symptom is evidence of an adaptive healing process, and our patterns and conflicts are here to evolve our consciousness.

To support the being in moving through these experiences, our team incorporates lineages of: Taoism, East Asian Medicine, Western herbalism, naturopathy, homeopathy, functional nutrition, somatic processing, Parts Work and Integrated Family Systems, memory recall, quantum biology, energetic alchemy, ancestral memory, and a good dose of Magic.

Our unique approach does not orienting to “fixing” or suppressing, but rather utilizes a wide medicine basket of modalities to support clearing interferences at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels so that the innate healing process can occur.


This process is reverent of family constellations, ancestral patterns, karma, God, consciousness, and the brilliance of nature.

Our lineage of teachers include Rachelle Garcia Seliga, Linda Conroy, John Wineland, Misha Sol, Karen Cunningham, Susun Weed, Kendra Cunov, Peter Moy, Donna Maria Camps, Moira Scullion, Tonja Reichley, Yolande Norris-Clark, Guru Jagat, America Martinez, Renay Oshop, Mary Lillstrom, SistaShamon Maria, Ellen Heed, Martin Beaudoin, Sasha Tesic, Gilbert Renaud, Karen Culpepper, Reverend Angel Kyodo Williams, Byron Katie, Allyson McQuinn, Ashley Elenbaas, and many more we are grateful to learn from and walk with.

Our Values

Context Over Content

We honor lived and tangible experience over ideology. We are committed to understanding that the how (aka: context) is far more consequential than what (aka: content). We believe that nearly anything - any experience, drug, herb, spell, relationship, belief - can be medicinal or poisonous. Because of this, we are NOT a one-size-fits-all, fit-in-or-else type of community. Rather than directing our energy to “we never go to the doctor” or “we only eat organic food,” we are more interested in unwinding the internal wars within us. When we orient to context over content, we can widen options for accessing truth, safety, resilience, and magic.

This is a foundational aspect of our liberation strategy. We are here to dissolve dogmatic attachments and group-think.

Sovereignty as the Foundation of Interdependence

We practice embodying sovereignty, not out of hyper-independence, but as a foundation into true relating and interdependence. We value orienting to safety and belongingness internally, so that our relationships are born out of connection, not coercion. This approach is an adjustment out of our collective collapse into codependence. We see this as a foundational understanding of a permaculture and intact pathway into liberation, both personally and collectively. 

Earth-Reverence as Spiritual Practice

Earth reverence means moving at the pace of the body. Honoring the brilliance of the biological laws of nature, and the unfolding processes of the body. Earth reverence is being willing to be with the mess, the ugly, the death, as much as the beauty and pleasure. We no longer accept that spiritual practice is about exiting the body, or separating ourselves from our Earth-flesh. Instead, we revere the body, the instincts, the brain the Earth has gifted us with. Because of this, we orient to conflict, disgust, dis-ease, our emotions, our challenging symptoms, as holy places to explore our spiritual selves. Our liberation work is a Bodily Experience. 

Yin Leadership

We are in the practice of orienting to the yin-aspect of leadership, long lost from many of our current cultural contexts. This means we lead and invite other women to lead from softness, from a receptive emerging of Truth, from a commitment to a moment-to-moment pulse of integrity, to transforming by revealing our hearts. Instead of directing by or asserting the will of our minds, we embody and radiate most of our Leadership in and through our flesh and spirit. We are fully committed to personal Honesty and Vulnerability as a highly effective organizing strategy.  Yin-Seated Leadership is at the core of how we teach, and how we invite others to step into their Medicine in and outside of the space.

Receptive Inner Authority

We are committed to the practice of returning each of us and each other into right inner authority. This means that we make space for dissent, for questioning, for discerning if the medicine we offer is actually for you. And, we practice doing this from a receptive place: building inner safety to allow a teaching, an idea, an offering all the way into ourselves, before discerning to what extent it is meant to live within you.

Healing as an innate, spiralic experience

We are nature, and nature is brilliantly designed. As an earth-reverent practice, we orient to the truth that we are forever moving towards healing, and we offer respect to how they express -- even when the adaptive patterns are challenging or messy. Through this orientation, we allow ourselves to step off the wheel of “needing to heal” and rest in the innate unfolding process, so that we make space for vitality and beauty. 

Get FREE access to The Keys to Coherence: Demystify your sacred biology and learn how to actually trust your healing expressions

Get clarity on the HOW and WHY of your symptoms in this 2-hour, instant-access class

Meet your practitioners:

Be held by a council of curious women devoted to inquiry, Mystery, and the brilliance of your being. 

Qiddist Ashé

I bring my background in midwifery, Germanic Healing, herbalism, quantum physics, holistic reproductive health, Parts Work and more to weave the fabrics of our physiological and metaphysical health. I offer body witnessing & somatic re-patterning sessions, which involve getting precise clarity  identifying the biological conflicts beneath your symptoms, and working with consciousness to create internal coherence.

Maura Sternberg

I'm a healer of threads, and a facilitator of free will and full expression. My Gift lives in the ability to build bridges between energy and its physical embodiment, unwind karmic knots and activate our full potential. I translate that which is invisible into Medicine.  I offer  medical intuitive insights, and energetic and relational counsel, especially in the realms of: yin & yang, sex & relationships, and family dynamics.

Ellianna Sternberg

I'm an anarchist witch, astrophysicist, clinical herbalist, Weston A Price nutritionist, and flower essence practitioner. I graduated from the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism and am a student of Naturopathic Medicine with a focus on homeopathy and Ayurveda. I offer in-depth health intakes, lab analysis, and holistic support protocols through the healing journey.

Meet the support team:

Christina Willis

In-House Astrologer


Carriese Broussard

Mother Love Teacher & Facilitator

Nicole Granati

Community & Administrative Manager

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website and in The Womb Room are for informational and educational purposes only. No material or work of The Womb Room is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

We are medicine women of traditional lineages; we use the word "medicine" to describe ancient healing practices and the sharing of knowledge of our sacred biology; we are not medical practitioners.Â