The School of Original Medicines (SOM) is a multi-year, customized learning journey designed to awaken the medicine women who will steward our communities into a new paradigm of health and consciousness. 
We are forging a future where community healing is in the hands of skilled, intuitive, and embodied women. In a time of great transition on earth, SOM is preparing the next generation of medicine keepers to be embodied in their sovereignty, reverent in their leadership, and rigorous in the practice of their unique medicine.
Weaving worlds of the spiritual, scientific, psychological and somatic, SOM guides women through a transformative journey of inner and outer practice to confidently carry out their soul path on earth, in service to our collective liberation.  
Graduates of the School of Original Medicines are prepared to walk in integrity, skill and  interdependence in the fields of holistic health, birthwork, alchemical arts, ceremonial bodywork, community leadership and other expressions of their innate gifts.

Our Curriculum Pillars

A Sacred Scientific Approach to Female Health

Learn how to navigate symptoms and patterns with an embodied understanding of your biology, build trust in your body’s innate brilliance, and cultivate a paradigm of holistic healing that honors the body-mind-Spirit.

Spiritually Initiated Womanhood

Know yourself deeply as you grow your capacity to be with your body’s sensations, cultivate internal safety, alchemize your triggers and wounds, grow your capacity for turning conflict into medicine, and collaborate with the Unseen to weave magic in your body, life and relationships.

Reverent Practitioner Leadership

Uncover the essence of your unique medicine in the world, build practical and magical skills in the realms of female health, birth/death work, bodywork, mental health, somatics, alchemy and more, and navigate service, entrepreneurship, and your calling as a spiritual path.

School of Original Medicines is a place where learning & unlearning happens in the context of relationship. We orient to our bodies and our lives as the living training ground for our deepest lessons, and the development of our practitioner skills.


At SOM, women are supported to hone their craft as they unwind their own lived experiences, knowing that truly proficient practitioners are embodied in  devotion to their own flesh and inner alchemy.

The Core Curriculum

SOM is made up of three foundational year-long programs, with a series of optional adjunct practitioner training programs and apprenticeships that are customizable to the individual's learning desires. 

Contrary to most practitioner training programs that teach the hard skills first, and "professional development" later, SOM spends the first year on inner transformation and self-literacy, building the necessary foundations for practitioners in integrity. 

Adjunct coursework and mentorship topics  including birthwork and postpartum care, ceremonial bodywork, elemental magic, hormone health and Germanic Healing Knowledge, fertility and abortion work, and death work.

Past students have also incorporated their own areas of study into this spiral, such as embodied speech language work, somatic grief counseling, art therapy, astrology, community organizing, liberatory filmmaking and more.

Students may choose to complete  1, 2, or 3+ years of the program as they desire to support their specific goals and intentions.



CHRYSALIS guides women to collaborate deeply with their psyches, bodies, and the Unseen realms to facilitate healing, freedom and transformation. Upon allowing our old and outdated conditioning to dissolve, we develop deep relationship with our own subconscious - and watch how our internal change ripples into our external world. 

To be embodied in our work means we must know our internal world deeply, and be in the practice of inner alchemy as the foremost means of changing the world. CHRYSALIS builds the foundational skills of body literacy, energetic alchemy, and self awareness that make outwards service possible in integrity.



EMERGENCE is a year-long experience designed to hone students into leaders, in their communities, homes, work places, and spiritual callings. Students begin their Emergence year with a 12 week intensive called DISTILL, where women build energetic agility to work their commitment to their gifts, skills, and Purpose. Emergence finishes with a 9 month container of live monthly practice calls for embodying yin-reverent Leadership. Some topics include: holding internal energetic integrity, response-ability as the seat of our Power, being in Devotion to the unfolding of Life. At the end of EMERGENCE, women have cultivated the skills to facilitate transformation, internally and in their external relationships. Whether as a space holder, facilitator, midwife, healer, parent, bodyworker, wife/partner, or practitioner, Emergence graduates step into Service and Leadership in their lives and communities. 



The MEDICINE WOMAN path is for those ready to deepen their tangible practitioner skills in the fields of health, ceremony, ritual, female physiology, womb-to-tomb midwifery, herbalism, bodywork, healing arts, and more. This apprenticeship-style and cohort learning program provides a mix of specific coursework and 1-1 mentorship as you explore the pathways that resonate most with your unique medicine. 

Because our work is rooted so deeply in our bodies and our internal experiences, full completion of CHRYSALIS and EMERGENCE are the prerequisite for Medicine Woman.

Adjunct Courses and Offerings

Our adjunct courses provide opportunities for topic-specific learning and skill-building. Intro level adjuncts are available to the public, including those not in SOM, and upper level adjuncts are reserved for students on the Medicine Woman track.


A 3 part course series in cultivating elemental magic and working with the Unseen to create tangible change – in your body, your life, and with others as a practitioner. In SHAMANI 1, students learn how to weave elemental magic in their own body and understand the foundations of quantum physics, magic, and the collaborators of change. In SHAMANI 2, we practice creating change outside of our bodies, and deepening our energetic skills. In SHAMANI 3, we cultivate our skill for high-stakes magic, medical intuition, and how to create an elemental intervention in service to someone’s health and healing.

Shamani 1 open to the public. Enrolls every summer solstice.


A 3 part series in building intuitive, skillful, and relational practice with herbs and homeopathy. In VITAL ROOTS, we combine a learning of our physiology through the lens of biological adaptation (Germanic Healing Knowledge), with a paradigm for working with plant allies that seeks to ease the experience of change, rather than suppress or “fix” symptoms. In Vital Roots, we repattern our systems to orient to building Relationships with plants and medicines, as the path to best facilitate healing.

Available to Medicine Woman students only.


A 12-week skills intensive and mentorship for learning the art and science of supporting pregnancy prevention and release outside the medical model of care. Students will learn biochemistry and plant profiles, in-depth physiology, supporting variations of normal, building energetic spaceholding skills, postpartum tending, working with pills, and more. 

Sovereign Cycles is open to the public. Enrolls every October.

Watch the free class: Plant Allies for Pregnancy Prevention


The body is the portal to the subconscious, to the quantum realm, and to infinite possibility. In this container of in-person skill building and online course material, students will learn from a variety of modalities the foundations of hands-on body work that ease the experience of change in the body and create space for innate and organic healing. Modalities incorporated include Zen Shiatsu, intuitive touch, myofascial techniques, somatic repatterning, and more.

Coming summer 2025. Available to Medicine Woman students only. 

Download the full course catalog

Watch our free Open House call to learn more about the School of Original Medicines and its offerings.

Learn the lineages we work with, how we orient to interdependent medicine, and how our curriculum can support your evolution.

Watch Now

What you can expect inside

Our core program consists of relational, intimate online study, with in-person skills training for our upper-level tracks.
The curricular spiral is designed to be flexible enough to fit into a woman’s existing life, providing nourishment and self-tending, as opposed to a high intensity drain or pull on our existing responsibilities as women and mothers. Students often join class in the midst of their daily activities, return to watch recordings at times convenient for their schedule, and build supportive and caring relationships with other women in the program to facilitate their growth.
Our work is steeped in the medicine of the oral tradition; for this reason, the bulk of our content is delivered via live calls and through embodied, practical applications. 

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website and in The Womb Room are for informational and educational purposes only. No material or work of The Womb Room is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

We are medicine women of traditional lineages; we use the word "medicine" to describe ancient healing practices and the sharing of knowledge of our sacred biology; we are not medical practitioners.