You are here to pour into the world from your overflow

To honor your dreams as medicine

And to taste the abundance that earth has to offer.


Imagine: how in service could you be if you were overflowing with resource?

How would you move through the world if your family, your community, was financially resilient?

The shift doesn't happen just by changing your mind

Or by bypassing your earthly reality.

It doesn't happen through extraction from each other, or the earth.

Growing our capacity to receive and create resource requires a deep rewiring. 

A willingness to unwind old stories through the body

To wire safety in our nervous systems in the state of receiving

To alchemize the judgments, the shame, the fear of not being "good" enough

And access the true nature of our capacity for creation, in service to LIFE.

It's time to cultivate the inner knowing that our having doesn't mean someone else has less


That like a running spring, our overflow is a gift to the world
And that when we come into coherence, anything is possible.



Dear One,

I know how tender it is to sit with the truth of your dreams. 

To unearth the ways we've been fed stories what it means to be "good" in the world

And the fears of both having, and not having. 

Money and resource bring up the most primal of needs: (will I be safe? Will I be left?)

And asks us to bring conscious to the patterns that have run in us for generations. 

You are here to alchemize it all.

I'm sharing this work with you, live, because it's the medicine I've been sitting in for the last two years. 

It's the unwinding that's happening in me.

And I believe deeply that we need more women, mothers, and families in our communities that have cultivated the willingness to have thriving, financially resilient systems -- in alignment with our integrity and in relationship with the earth. 

I don't have all the answers, but I do have my own journey, and the practice of unwinding the internal knots so that I can hold the frequency of overflow.

I hope you'll join me -- and yes, it's *free*.

Your blooming is reciprocity. 

At the end of class, I will invite you in an opportunity to explore this frequency deeper with me, should you choose to. 

In Love,
