The world needs you awake, alive, and aligned. 

You are an electromagnetic being

With immense power to heal,  create, and transform. 

The medicine is already within you -- and, healing and expansion includes  working with tools and teachers.

Healy is one ally that can support us in moving towards our fullest expression

And remove roadblocks to our coherence, so we can live our most heart-led lives.

With consciousness, we can hold expansion with integrity

Abundance with humility

And overflow in right-relationship with the earth.

The earth needs more of us in our fullest expression. 

Who would you be, how in service could you be, if you were well in your body and abundant in your resources? 


Step Into The Quantum


Explore the science of frequency...

The Medicine of Frequency
Description Booklet of Frequencies
Healy Q&A With Frequency Practitioner Brid Hanlon
Creator Marcus Schmieke Explains Healy
Q&A with Qiddist and Maura
Healy and Chronic Pain: Qiddist's story (podcast)

Before you purchase:

  • The above images include pricing when the devices are NOT on sale. During sales, all discounts are automatically applied when the device is in your cart. 
  • Current Promotion: Resonance & Resonance Plus 40% off until Feb 28, Professional 60% off until Feb 28 (US & Canada only)
  • When you purchase, make sure you opt in to being an "Independent Healy World Member", not just a "customer". There are no requirements or spam, but it will allow you to receive an affiliate link if you ever choose to share Healy with others in the future. 
  • Send me a DM on Instagram or an email to [email protected] after your purchase, so I can add you to The Womb Room community space! 

When you purchase Healy, you'll receive...


You are here to pour into the world from your overflow

To honor your dreams as medicine

And to taste the abundance that earth has to offer.

In REVELATION, we learn how to grow our leveraged income with Healy, while staying rooted in the integrity of our bodies, and the earth.

 Revelation: the supernatural disclosure of something relating to human existence, or the world.

We play in the realms of quantum physics, quantum biology, and the laws of creation.

We explore how our bodies, beliefs, and realities shift with frequency work

And we orient to how this technology can deepen our own intuitive capacities, and serve our communities. 


How do you join?


 By purchasing a Healy, you will receive access to The Womb Room community membership with vast resources for cultivating coherence in your life, AND a bi-monthly coaching container with Qiddist to explore the quantum field, and affiliate marketing business growth in energetic integrity. 

Common Curiosities...


Step Into The Quantum