A live, 3-workshop series on the foundations of womb sovereignty. Come hang out with us and see if The Womb Room Community is right for you!



Experience The Womb Room through our Womb Sovereignty Framework

Wondering if The Womb Room Membership is right for you?

Come hang out with us in this *free* 3 workshop series!

Here's what you'll experience: 

Workshop 1: The Brilliance of Your Pelvis (Body Literacy)

Sovereignty over our bodies begins with body literacy. Come learn about the incredible design of your pelvis and your womb, and how it relates to your overall health. You'll learn how to read what your blood is communicating with you, and the hands-on practices that can support pelvic health and alignment.

Workshop 2: Food, Desire, and How to Feed Your Womb (Embodiment)

With all the contradicting information our there about what and how to eat, it can make nourishment feel like rocket science! We'll break down what our wombs actually need to be nourished, and engage in a collective embodied practice to support you in connecting to your intuition, desire, and womb space when it comes to nourishment.

Workshop 3: Unpacking The Drama Triangle and Your Relationship With Your Womb (Sovereign Skills)

Being sovereign means taking radical self-responsibility for our bodies and out lives -- but how do we do that? In our final session, we'll unpack how we often make ourselves the victim, hero or villain in our womb health and our lives. We'll discuss practical skills to move out of this triangle and into true presence, so you can co-create your live from a place of true power.

The details:


Each workshop is 1 hour and will be held via zoom at 5pm pst on 10/19, 10/21, and 10/24. Classes will be recorded and available for 1 week after the series if you can't make it live! And yes, this is totally free. :)

I can't wait to dive in with you -- see you there!

With womb love,




Meet Your Facilitators

Qiddist is a radical female health educator, traditional midwife, and clinical herbalist with a passion for merging the scientific and sacred aspects of womb care. In devotion to our sovereignty, she seeks to be an embodied reminder that your body is wise, you are powerful, and you have the ability to co-create your life in alignment with your womb.

Maura is a kitchen witch, herbalist, spirit medicine holder, and sister. Her most fervent wish is that her work serves as ecstatic and embodied liberation, for herself, her community, her ancestors, and her FirstMother, Earth. 

Join us for this interactive, intimate and transformative series -- and see what we're up to in The Womb Room Community!

The Time is Now

to build your skills, know your body's brilliance, and gather with sisters who will support you on your sovereign journey. You can free your womb -- and it will change your life.